August 8th, 2024

Dusted off the Framework 13


I haven't used the Framework 13 for a long while. Maybe a year or so. It was mostly a "I'm in a gray area using this thing for work, and I'm not a fan of Zoom on this thing anyhow" call that led to "I am also tired of muscle memory shear dividing my time between this thing and a MacBook."

But I was feeling preemptively irritated with macOS this afternoon and I felt like futzing, so I fired it up and sat through the updates to get it to Fedora 40/GNOME 46.

What an interesting window into my preoccupations and interests during my layoff! I was spending a ton of time in Emacs, I was using Firefox full-time, I was self-hosting a bunch of things because I had the time to futz with them. Also org, org, org for eeeeverything.

I am also reminded, sitting here typing this on it, how much I liked GNOME's gestures and general cleanliness. I spent a lot of time fussing with my macOS machines to get them into something approaching the efficiency I managed in GNOME.

There's also the stuff I was willing to do that seems annoying now: I had a BlueBubbles server running on the Mac Studio, and wasted a lot of time getting it to work. I can see a few other apps here and there that I had just to recreate some part of the Apple ecosystem experience. Lots of time spent trying to be some sort of Linux/Mac daywalker.

I think, if it came down to it and I was told that I had to part ways with one ecosystem or the other, it'd be much harder to set aside iOS than macOS. Certainly more disruptive to my family.