October 12th, 2024

Goodbye, Pranayama


I sold a few boards this week, including this Pantheon Pranayama. As much as I admired the design, with its super narrow tolerances for such giant wheels and such a low deck,  I didn't  warm up to the TKPs: I was never a traditional skater, so they didn't feel quite right.

I was happy to sell it to a buyer who was plainly delighted with it. He wanted to talk boards for a while after he got back from a test spin around the block, so  I don't think he's going to flip it.

So that leaves me with my other Pantheon, a Trip collab they did with Loaded; and a SubSonic GT-40. I like the Trip for everyday cruising, and it's a fun last-mile solution for the Max or the bus. The GT-40 is longer, about as low, and way more forgiving. When I haven't ridden for a while, I tighten the trucks down a little and use it to get used to being on a board again before getting on something a little more nimble.

I also sold Al's Loaded Icarus. That was her first nice deck, but  it's the reason she has a metal elbow now. We kept it around and I took it out now and then because it was sort of flexy and lively, but it was also sort of an unpleasant reminder. It also went to someone who was very happy to have it.

There's not much good weather left. I oughta get out a few times before it turns. I've been distracted by bicycles.